assorted interviews and podcasts
Lived Through This 03/19/25
A thoroughly enjoyable conversation with host Mike Hipple where I talk about Al Casey, Lord Executor, and literal and figurative Hell.
First in Fright: Strange Skies 10/24/24
An NC-centric, limited series paranormal podcast. In this episode I talk about my experience seeing the Brown Mountain Lights (bonus overview of the Chatham blood fall too!)
Astonishing Legends Ep 291: American Bloodfalls (Pt 1) 9/14/24
A literal dream come true: I got to appear on my favorite podcast and hold forth on a personal paranormal obsession: reported rains of blood and flesh in 18th & 19th-century America. Enjoy! This was an absolute blast.
Astonishing Legends Ep. 292: American Bloodfalls (Pt 2) 09/28/24
The finale of my two-part series with friends Scott and Forrest of Astonishing Legends. Here come the theories!
The Rob Burgess Show 8/24/24
My second appearance on Rob's show, this one after the book was published.
Carolina Insider podcast 6/21/24
I know nothing about sports (even when I was attending UNC, I never went to a game!), but this turned out to be my favorite interview in years. My bit begins at 31:55.
The Music Book Podcast 6/18/24
A fun conversation with music writer Marc Masters about the brick and mortar of writing about music.
Due South 5/21/24
An interview with WUNC Public Radio's Jeff Tiberii and Leoneda Inge in which I play the aging Beatrice to their comparatively youthful Dante.
Bookin' podcast 5/20/24
A conversation with Jason Jeffries where I not only talk about the book and my former self, I say nice things about Jimbo!
Dad Rocks! podcast 4/27/23
A cool interview with Josh Frisch for his Dad Rocks! podcast about parenting, rocking...you know.